Notes from the Field, Week 1 - Sandusky, OH

Field Report - Sandusky, Ohio (Week 1: April 23-29) We have landed on the beachhead-- Ohio's 89th House District. This legislative district is key to the passage of the ZEN (Zero Emissions Nuclear) Bill that would save both Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear plants from premature closure. Thousands of jobs, millions in school funding, and a full 90% of Ohio's clean energy hang in the balance, yet local Representative Steve Arndt has been waffling on his support for the measure. We are here to change that. Our beds? Inflatable. Our furniture? Folding. Our shoe soles? Already worn a bit thinner. One week out, here is our first weekly field report.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

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