Notes from the Field, Week 5 - Sandusky, OH

This field report comes to you just one day after the closure of another nuclear power plant was announced-- Three Mile Island. Without legislation to correct a distorted energy market from subsidies and fracking, nuclear plants will continue to struggle in deregulated markets. Without nuclear energy, communities will lose their life blood, and more kids will get asthma. And without Generation Atomic, these communities may struggle to find their voice before it’s too late. That’s why this week was so important. People power. That’s what we proved in Ohio’s 89th District. When a talented team dedicates almost every waking moment to giving the communities around these nuclear plants a voice-- they are heard. The video of Rep. Arndt publicly proclaiming his support for saving Davis-Besse makes clear the power that 1100 handwritten postcards can have. Watch for yourself. The first phase of our first campaign is in the books. Now, we move to other parts of Ohio to ratchet up the pressure on more legislators that are critical to saving Davis-Besse.

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